Vehicle Repairs
Auto Electrics
Today’s vehicles are increasingly made up of various electrics and very often problems can appear in vehicles due to the electrics. Auto electrics is the diagnosis and repair of electrical faults in cars and other vehicles. So, if you are driving and a light should come on to your dash, this may mean that something in your vehicle is not working correctly. Castle Van Hire Motor Services are able to efficiently find and fix all electrical faults.
To find out more about auto electrics please get in touch with us online or call us directly on 01926 505025

Car Batteries
A healthy car battery is very important to the overall functioning of your vehicle. However, if you have a car battery that is old or a poorly maintained vehicle battery, very often your vehicle may struggle to start, which is the last thing that you would want, especially in the cold weather. That is why Castle Van Hire Motor Services will test your battery, but we will also replace it with the best possible replacement at a competitive price, if you need to replace it.
To find out more about car batteries please get in touch with us online or call us directly on 01926 505025

Car Bulbs
Car bulbs are a vehicle component that need to be in good working order for various reasons when operating any vehicle, especially at night. However, it is so easy for a bulb to break, blow a fuse etc. That’s why we offer an easy vehicle bulb service at our site, where you can order and fit your light bulb within a short period of time with one easy booking.
To find out more about car bulbs please get in touch with us online or call us directly on 01926 505025

The cambelt or timing belt is an important part of any engine, and it is very important that this is kept in good condition. It is the cambelts job to keep the camshaft and crank timed as it should be. However dependent on the age of the car and usage, the cambelt can stretch or become worn which will affect the performance of your vehicle. To avoid unwanted problems, you should have your cambelt checked regularly.
To find out more about cambelts please get in touch with us online or call us directly on 01926 505025

Car Brakes
At Castle Van Hire Motor Services we offer extensive inspection of your vehicle brakes, as well as performance testing. Your brakes are a very important safety component, and it is important that they are properly maintained. Furthermore, it is important to have health brakes to ensure you pass your MOT. At castle van hire we will find any faulty parts and repair or replace them with high quality components, whilst making sure we consider your safety and the maximum performance of your vehicle for time to come.
To find out more about car brakes please get in touch with us online or call us directly on 01926 505025

Clutch Replacement
If you think you need a clutch replacement, then please don’t hesitate to contact us at Castle Van Hire Motor Services for a replacement. It is important to make sure that your vehicle has a clutch that is in good condition, so that your vehicle can run efficiently. If you are worried about the condition of your clutch, we would be happy to inspect it or give it a service, at a much cheaper price, with an exceptional level of service and quality.
To find out more about clutch replacement please get in touch with us online or call us directly on 01926 505025

Car Batteries
A healthy car battery is very important to the overall functioning of your vehicle. However, if you have a car battery that is old or a poorly maintained vehicle battery, very often your vehicle may struggle to start, which is the last thing that you would want, especially in the cold weather. That is why Castle Van Hire Motor Services will test your battery, but we will also replace it with the best possible replacement at a competitive price, if you need to replace it.
To find out more about car batteries please get in touch with us online or call us directly on 01926 505025

DPF Filter Cleaning
The DPF (Diesel Particulate Filter) is an important part of any diesel vehicle. However, quite often the DPF is not cleaned efficiently this can impact a vehicles performance or result in the engine management light coming on, on your vehicle. At Castle Van Hire Motor Services we can perform a complete clean of your DPF, which helps to renew it without having to invest in expensive replacement parts. A part of this process is diesel particulate regeneration, which is a very important and technical process. However, it is a normal part of the regular maintenance of modern diesel vehicles and is required for your vehicle to run efficiently.
To find out more about DPF filter cleaning please get in touch with us online or call us directly on 01926 505025

Electric Car Repairs and Servicing
Most households now own an electric or hybrid vehicle and we are well aware of this at Castle Van Hire Motor Services, and this is why our vehicle technicians are well versed in servicing and repairing electric and hybrid vehicles. Our technicians have a wealth of experience and a lot of knowledge to give you the support and maintenance that your vehicle deserves.
To find out more about electric car repairs and servicing please get in touch with us online or call us directly on 01926 505025

Engine Diagnostics and Management
As vehicles have become more complex it is difficult to determine what is wrong with them manually. Our fully updated diagnostic computer can communicate with your vehicle, and we can then better understand and establish exactly what the problem is with your vehicle. A frequently occurring problem is the engine management light appearing on the dash, however at Castle Van Hire Motor Services we are experienced at resolving the problem. All our vehicle technicians are trained to use our diagnostics computer and resolve any potential issues with your engine.
To find out more about engine diagnostics and management please get in touch with us online or call us directly on 01926 505025

Fleet Maintenance
A fleet of vehicles is very often difficult to maintain yourself and very often businesses don’t have the time to spare. Furthermore, trying to maintain your fleet in house can often become quite expensive. This can sometimes result in problems with your fleet or potential accidents. That’s why at Castle Van Hire Motor Services we try to take the hassle away from you and we can maintain your fleet in a cost-efficient manner, in the interest of your business.
To find out more about fleet maintenance please get in touch with us online or call us directly on 01926 505025

At Castle Van Hire Motor Services our experienced mechanics offer both performance testing and in-depth inspection of your vehicles shock absorbers and suspension system to ensure that your vehicle is safe for you to drive. Your shock absorbers are important safety components, and they are also vital to your vehicles performance and passing an MOT, hence it is important they are in good condition. At Castle Van Hire Motor Services any faulty parts will be repaired or replaced with high quality components at our state-of-the-art workshop, so that we can ensure your safety and the best performance of your vehicle.
To find out more about your vehicle’s suspension please get in touch with us online or call us directly on 01926 505025

Windscreen Wipers
It is common knowledge that windscreen wipers can often become worn and must be replaced, as this can even result in you failing your MOT. You can replace your wiper blades yourself, but sometimes this can mean that badly fitted wipers can sometimes squeak or they may not clear your screen properly as they should. So, leave it to Castle Van Hire Motor Services to replace and fit your new wipers and save you the bother.
To find out more about windscreen wipers please get in touch with us online or call us directly on 01926 505025

Vehicle Tyres
In line with the governmental guidelines, it is important that vehicle tyres are in good health and the minimum tread is there or this can very often lead to problems with your vehicle or accidents if a tyre should give way whilst driving. At Castle Van Hire Motor Services we look to avoid such problems. So, leave it to Castle Van Hire Motor Services to check and replace all your tyres.
To find out more about buying tyes and replacing your tyes please get in touch with us online or call us directly on 01926 505025

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